Abbott has 149 books on goodreads with 108963 ratings. Published in 1884 it tells the tale of a square, a resident of a two dimensional world, and his discovery of an incredible third dimension when he is visited by a sphere from spaceland. After he retired in 1889 he devoted himself to literary and theological pursuits. He has a dream about visiting lineland, a one dimensional world and while there trys to convince the worlds leader that a second dimension exists. Written pseudonymously by a square, the book used the fictional twodimensional world of flatland to comment on. With the alice in wonderland books, the late 1800s seem to have been the time for really creative mathemetical writing. Edwin abbott abbott december 20, 1838 october 12, 1926, english schoolmaster and theologian, is best known as the author of the mathematical satire and religious allegory flatland 1884. Edwin abbott abbott, english schoolmaster and theologian, is best known as the author of the mathematical satire flatland 1884. Very well written book showing us how they think more differently than us.
Preface to the second and revised edition the preface to the book. Cathleen oneil explains why flatland is memorable for. Once readers reach the climax, theyll understand the issue in as many as four dimensions, and as little as none. He was educated at the city of london school and at st johns college, cambridge, where he took the highest honours in classics, mathematics and theology, and became fellow of his college.
With einsteins 1915 publication of the theory of relativity, flatland became popular as a prophet of four dimensions. Abbott, born in 1838, was an english schoolmaster and theologian. The story tells the tale of a humble square as he guides us through some of the idioms of life in two dimensions. A romance of many dimensions by edwin abbott abbott isbn. But the book s very existence underscores just how fundamental those 20th century ideas are.
The amiable narrator, a square, provides an overview of this fantastic worldits physics and. Flatland 1884 is an influential mathematical fantasy that simultaneously provides an introduction to noneuclidean geometry and a satire on the victorian class structure, issues of science and faith, and the role of women. This book is available for free download in a number of formats including epub, pdf, azw, mobi and more. A romance of many dimensions is an 1884 science fiction novella by the english schoolmaster edwin abbott abbott. With dry wit and wild imagination, author edwin abbott abbott builds a meticulous fantasy world rooted in an astute apprehension of psychology, politics, and social structures, as well as basic geometry. Flatland is a novel by edwin abbott abbott about a two dimensional world. Abbott, is one of the oddest books that i have ever read. Although not as frequently read, flatland, the edwin abbott abbott story of a little square coming to understanding that higher dimensions do. Project gutenberg has several editions of this ebook.
This world of the nature of flatland of the climate and houses in flatland concerning the inhabitants of flatland concerning the women. Written pseudonymously by a square, the book used the fictional twodimensional world of flatland to comment on the hierarchy of victorian culture, but the novellas more enduring contribution is its examination of dimensions. Abbott table of contents preface to the second and revised edition, 1884. In 1884, edwin abbott abbott wrote a mathematical adventure set in a twodimensional plane world, populated by a. Abbott also predicted the existence of the 4th dimension. Abbott, 9780486272634, available at book depository with free delivery worldwide. The book was published in multiple languages including english, consists of 96 pages and is available in paperback format. A romance in many dimensions that has fascinated generations of readers with its clever blend of social satire and mathematical theory. In other words the book is about learning about multiple dimensions. A square, who is a resident of the twodimensional flatland, dreams of.
Women are simple linesegments, while men are polygons with various numbers of sides. It is also seen as a satirical depiction of victorian society and its hierarchies. The artists intent edwin abbott would have been to use images and words to create a clear picture for the reader. With dry wit and wild imagination, author edwin abbott abbott builds a meticulous fantasy world rooted in an astute apprehension of psychology, politics, and social. Finishing flatland, a novella published by british mathematician and teacher edwin abbott a good 20 years before einsteins general theory of relativity and the growth of quantum mechanics, leaves the reader wondering what abbott could possibly have known about these later figures and events. Edwin abbott abbott was the eldest son of edwin abbott 18081882, headmaster of the philological school, marylebone, and his wife, jane. A romance of many dimensions dover thrift by edwin abbott from amazons fiction books store. A romance of many dimensions dover thrift editions. The obscenity of the third dimension, to flatland, is how we see our upper dimensions. Of the nature of flatland the author explains to the reader the nature of flatland. Edwin abbott abbott 18381926 if youve never heard the term mathematical fiction before, edwin abbott abbott s 1884 novella, flatland can certainly enlighten you.
I believe this edition of flatland has betrayed the original vision of the author. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. Alan lightman, the author of einsteins dream and other books, is an astrophysicist and the director of the writing program at m. Front matter opening quotes, dedication, and illustrations. Abbott 18381926 was a leading scholar and theologian of the victorian era. Edwin abbott abbott fba 20 december 1838 12 october 1926 was an english schoolmaster and theologian, best known as the author of the novella flatland 1884. Edwin abbott abbott, english schoolmaster and theologian, is best known as the author of the mathematical satire and religious allegory flatland. A work that continues to pose provocative questions about perception and reality, flatland is a brilliant parody of victorian society where all existence is limited to length and breadthits inhabitants unable even to imagine a third dimension. Thomas banchoff is professor emeritus of mathematics at brown university and author of beyond the third dimension. The story is about a twodimensional world referred to as flatland which is occupied by geometric figures.
By imagining the contact of beings from different dimensions, the author fully exploited the power of the analogy between the limitations of. A romance of many dimensions was published in 1884 and since then, it has been discovered and rediscovered by succeeding generations who have been delighted by its unique view of society and people. Many of his fellow plane dwellers think him deranged, just as the resident of. A classic of early science fiction, the novel takes place in a world of two dimensions where all the characters are geometric shapes. He was best known as the author of the mathematical satire and religious allegory flatland. A romance of many dimensions by edwin abbott abbott. However, the novellas more enduring contribution is its examination of dimensions. Edwin abbott abbott 18381926, the author of more than fifty books on classics, theology, history, and shakespeare, was headmaster of the city of london school and one of the leading educators of his time. As a satire, flatland offered pointed observations on the social hierarchy of victorian culture. The narrator and protagonist of flatland, a square, writes from prison, intricately detailing the social organization of his. A romance of many dimensions is an 1884 satirical novella by edwin a. Written pseudonymously by a square, the book used the fictional two dimensional world of flatland to comment on.
Abbott to talk about victorian england, attacking sexism and the class system. Unabridged, illustrated value reproduction of flatland by edwin abbott, in this affordably printed volume, is a book that belongs on everyones shelf published originally in 1884, abbott s novella was a social commentary told through mathematical a framework. A romance of many dimensions edwin abbott abbott snippet view. The first edition of the novel was published in 1884, and was written by edwin a. With illustrations by the author, a square edwin a. Flatland is a world that exists on the twodimensional plane, where its inhabitantsliteral geometrical shapeslive in a highlystructured society organized into classes based on the number of sides of a figure.
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